Before You Decide To Restore The Hardwood Floor Here Is What You Should Know

As the hardwood flooring ages, they can get scratched their color will soon start to fade. But unlike most of the floors, hardwood can revive its original look. All you would need is to refinish it.

A hardwood floor can be refinished a dozen times before you think of replacing it, whereas a composite flooring system can only be refinished twice in its lifetime. Well, the thing is if your floor does not have scratches or the color is still bright, you may be not want to have the floor refinished after all.

If you are concerned about the look of your hardwood floor, you can look up for a contractor with services of hardwood floor refinishing repair and restoration in Portland OR. They will guide you better whether your flooring needs to be refinished or it is time to get the flooring replaced. Below are some of the things you should keep in mind before you plan for hardwood refinishing.

Choose The Contractor Carefully 

You need to make sure that you do not hire an unprofessional contractor for this job. The tools used in refinishing are powerful and they need to be handled with extra care. For example, if the grade drum sander is not kept moving around in the right pattern and in the right place, it can cause the removal of too much material causing the surface to get uneven. This will eventually reduce the life of the hardwood and also decrease the number of time you could get the floor refinished in the future.

Does Your Floor Need A Complete Refinishing?

Well, if the hardwood floor does not have deep scratches or the polish is still intact, there may be a chance that the floor would require only a light sanding. This is known as "Screen and Poly", first the worker will sand the floor lightly then apply new polish onto it. This method will cut the cost by half and the best thing about it is that this process will not remove any layer from the floor. You can have as many partial refinishing jobs done.

Think About The Color Scheme 

If your hardwood floor has a rich deep color, it probably does not resemble the natural color of the wood. It would be more like a stained concrete floor. If you want to replace your hardwood floor by a concrete floor, you can search for companies that provide services of concrete grinding and polishing in Portland OR.

By having the hardwood floor completely refinished, there may be a chance that the stain will become lighter. You can ask the contractor to stain the floor again to match the original color of the wood or you can choose a different color all over again.
